
The Lekki Headmaster Chapter Seven, Summary and Likely Questions, pdf download

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The Lekki Headmaster Chapter 7- RITUALIST

BEPO joined Stardom Schools after a stint at Beesway Group of School, located on the Beesway management regarding an error he spotted in the school’s name. As the senior English teacher, he had pointed out that the name ought to be Beesway Group of Schools’, not ‘Group of School’. He noted that the phrase, ‘group of, implies there were more than one school; therefore, the singular noun was incorrect.

“Sir, it is like saying, ‘a group of man’ when we mean ‘a group of men’,” he explained to the director, Mr. Egi Meko. “Or like saying, ‘a collection of bag’ or’a bevy of bird’ instead of ‘a collection of bags’ and a bevy of birds’.”

“Which one is bevy?” Meko asked, as if that was the only aspect of Bepo’s argument that interested him.

“It means a large group of people or things, like ‘a herd of cows’ and not ‘a herd of cow.”

The director thanked the ‘learned linguist’ – as he often called him – for the observation. Then he asked what exactly the senior English teacher wanted him to do. He knew where Bepo was headed but he feigned ignorance. In the recess of his mind, Mr. Meko actually laughed derisively because he could not contemplate changing his school’s name in any way. Firstly, he reasoned, that was the name on all the school’s facilities and documents. Secondly, it was the name registered at the Corporate Affairs Commission and the Ministry of Education.

The most important reason I cannot change the name of my school,” Meko explained to Bepo, “is that the name was divinely inspired. If I would put it another way, I will say it has a spiritual undertone. I believe you understand, because you are not a kid. What has ‘group of school’ got to do with the quality education we impart here? Do you know how well my students have been performing in external exams, talk less of internal examinations? Group of school! Are students complaining? No.

Are parents complaining? No. Are the external examiners complaining? No. Is the government complaining? No. So, Mr. Bepo, the Englisher, let’s leave the matter as it is. I know there is no word like Englisher. Just joking with you.”

“Ironically, there is, sir,” Bepo struggled to correct his boss, even if he had to overlook the error in ‘talk less’. He knew what the director ought to have said was let alone.

“You don’t mean’t?” Meko exclaimed, ostentatiously, pronouncing ‘mean it’ in a way he believed was super British or American.

“I do. It is even in the dictionaries. It refers to a person who translates from a foreign language into English.”

“Wao! That means I am almost an Englisher too,” the director said and added, “considering that I even used the word off head.”

Bepo skipped a breath as the erroneous phrase, ‘off head’, struck him. But he did not think the atmosphere was right to begin another round of correction. Besides, he felt the first grammatical blunder, which the director ought to have accepted most readily, was being downplayed.

Bepo thought: what was the big deal in changing ‘Group of School’ to ‘Group of Schools? Firstly, the management could start by effecting the change on the school’s signboards on the premises, then move on to all files, books, etc. It could then proceed to the Corporate Affairs Commission, the Ministry, and other relevant bodies.

After the unsuccessful encounter, Bepo again raised the matter with the boss a couple of times because the grammatical palaver was happening in his subject territory. It was particularly insulting of his pedigree as the Senior English Language Teacher in the school. But something happened that finally made Bepo shut his mouth.

During a meeting of the school’s Parent-Teacher Association, a parent raised the matter, backed by some others. As she spoke, the director fixed his eyes on Bepo, who was sat in the front row. The look was fierce and furious. The director appeared to be asking: “So, you have taken your madness to this level?”

Immediately the meeting was over, the director summoned Bepo to his office and accused him of plotting to destroy the school through his ‘too-know ‘ mentality. Bepo explained that he never did what the director had in mind. That is: tell the parent about the error in the school’s name.

“Elefo, o’ o, ni oo. O lefoo oun kii s’ efo aatan. Ta ni ko mo’pe ara lo n fuu?” the director said, referencing a Yoruba proverb about guilt. It told the story of a hawker of vegetables plucked from a filthy dumpsite. A buyer simply calls out to her, having no intention to probe the source of the product. But burdened with guilt, and seeking to assure the buyer of feigned quality, the hawker retorts: “These vegetables are not from any dumpsite.”

Bepo did all he could to convince the director that he never discussed the matter with any parent. He even swore, touching the crucifix that hung from his neck. It was Bepo’s characteristic way of declaring, ‘T am saying the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.’ Whenever he desperately needed to make a point, he reached for the object. While that was enough to make some people believe him, the director remained unconvinced. “You can choose between working here or criticising the name of the school that pays your salary,” he said with a tone of finality.

Bepo’s experience at Beesway was quite tumultuous but it was not on account of wanting to correct the ‘Group of School’ blunder that he left. He walked away voluntarily because of a matter he considered godly. he was not a ret churchgoer. Al the sure, he bellere he go the roch on When his wife was ty Nigeria, she used to lure or coerce him to go te church on Sundays, He often hat her behind at the auditorium as he had a habit or dishped and a ten as the service ended Seri was a member of the groups inichechel and often attended post servie meetings Repo was originally a Catholic, but the woman convinced him to join her Pentecostal Truth Tellers Mission. As soon as she relocated to the UK, however, he returned to his Catholic faith, where he felt at home.

It was 2:30am. The almost pin-drop silence in Oyikutu showed nature maintains a disciplined order, no matter the place or time. Here was a Lagos suburb, ever busy during the day and through the night. Now, it was calm, quiet; save for an occasional whistle by some security guards.

Bepo lay on his bed in his room at the Beesway Staff Quarters. He had forced himself to bed at 12:00am. But sleep just wouldn’t kiss his eyes. He had slept lavishly in the afternoon, being a Sunday. Whenever he spent long hours in bed during the day, he was sure the night would find him miserable, searching elusively for a nap.

He wondered what he must do to fall asleep. He thought about sedatives. Sadly, he had none in the room. He was aware doctors rarely encouraged their use. The drugs could, among other risks, lead to addiction. But at nights when the goddess of sleep became too miserly with her drowsy bosom, Bepo cared less what any doctor thought. He would toss a capsule or two down his throat. Moments afterwards, he would snore.

He rose from the bed and headed for the refrigerator in a corner of the room. He needed a cup of cold water. Perhaps, that might do the trick, he thought. He had switched off the light in the room. He barely needed it as rays from the floodlights positioned at different corners of the premises lit the room faintly. He peered through the window, his dry eyes viewing much of the large space that included the assembly ground. He moved closer and drew the blinds sideways. Suddenly, the floodlights went off. Every light at the length and breadth of the school premises was off. What happened? Yet, Bepo noticed that, two hundred meters or more away from the school, lights were still on.

As the puzzle lingered, Bepo thought he saw something move in the dark. It looked human. Then he saw another, and another, and yet another! What could they be? He studied the shapes intently. As the movements continued, it became clearer what the mystery was. Of course, they were not ghosts. They were humans. But who could they be? He stared harder through the darkness. His eyes were not betraying his mind. A torch flashed through the void. Bepo’s confusion thickened. It was 2.51am. No student was expected to be out at such an unholy hour. No teacher either or resident.

As his eyes attuned to the darkness, Bepo picked out five men. He also made out a large whitish thing moving alongside the men. It was a cow. Apparently, one of the men was holding the leash. Bepo, glued to the spot, watched in amazement. The men stopped. Five minutes later, two other men appeared. It seemed, initially that they had literally walked out from Mother Earth. Not so. The duo had actually chmbed out of a pit. There was a brief moment of inactivity.

What could they be doing? What could they be discussing? Two of the men moved to the rear of the whitish thing. No sooner had they positioned themselves than the beast began to inch towards the pit. What is going on, Bepo thought, mystified! They certainly are not about to bury a cow, he thought, bewildered.

He turned swiftly from the window. He grabbed his crucifix, hung it on his neck. A T-shirt lay beside his pillow. He put it on; complementing the night trousers he wore. Bepo shoved his hand under the bed, retrieved a broad-headed double-edged machete and was soon descending the stairs.

“Who are you?” a voice out of the darkness questioned, as Bepo walked with resolve, yet cautiously towards the figures. If his ears did not play any pranks on him, he was sure the voice was familiar.

“T ask: who are you?” the voice repeated.

“Di…Di.Director!” Bepo exclaimed, astonished. Director, are you burying the cow alive?”

“What! Who is this?” one of the men barked. The indignation in the voice was unmistakable. “Will you keep your mouth shut!” another man ordered, simultaneously. “And get away from here, immediately, before we make you regret!” a third voice roared.

“You again…Mr. Bepo? What business brings you out at this hour? Is this the students’ hostel you are supposed to be minding?” the boss asked. As the director spoke, the men quickly turned their attention away from the intruder. Resolutely, they hasted to finish the grim task, pushing, and pulling harder.

“No! Director, you can’t! This is cruel! This is animalistic! Ungodly! You shouldn’t bury that thing alive!” Bepo affirmed.”

Get lost! How is that your problem? Are we burying a human being?” the director fumed.

“Even if it is not human, it is living. Director, this is wickedness! Inhumanity!” A man, who all the while, had lurked in the dark, unseen, approached Bepo from behind, club in hand. He raised the weapon and brought it down hard on Bepo’s right wrist. The machete fell to the ground as a sharp pain coursed through Bepo’s limb. Two other men rushed towards him. There was a brief struggle. And soon, Bepo was on his back. Even in the darkness, he could make out the shape of the machete positioned menacingly above his head.

“Handle him gently! Gently!” the director ordered. “Oga, no, sir. I said no, sir!” one of the men replied defiantly, then added: “If he wants to go down with the cow, why should we stop him?”

Bepo recognised the voice. It was the man that had threatened: “Get away from here immediately before we make you regret!”

He knew it was time he disappeared from the scene. The director pacified the angry accomplices and helped the Senior English Teacher back on his feet. He led Bepo back to the room from where, earler, he had stormed out like a Crusader -then returned to finish up the dark assignment.

A million thoughts danced crazily in Bepo’s head. The remaining hours before daybreak were unusually longer than he ever imagined. The live burial of a cow… the threat against his life… everything seemed like fiction. Did that really happen on the school ground? Was that actually the director he thought he had always known?

What was the reason for the bizarre action? Why did they have to bury a cow alive?

What did they hope to achieve?

He had heard tales of Serie rituals carried out by some school owners and patrons of other businesses. Shortly after he concluded the National Youth Service Corps scheme, he and a colleague set up a neighbourhood school. The colleague was a teacher in a public school. Since Bepo had yet to find an employment, they decided to start out small in the education sector. They rented a two-bedroom flat, and Fruitful Future School was born. The dream unfolded slowly but enrolment began to grow at the third session. They ensured fees were lower than what obtained in the area. They also tried to up their game, using marker boards at a time most of their competitors were hooked on chalkboards.

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Bepo also introduced a business trick he learnt at the school in Warri, Delta State, where he observed his National Youths Service. Pupils were encouraged to teach their parents a topic when they returned home. The topic, of course, was among the ones they must have learnt during the school day. Parents particularly found it a novel idea. It reassured them that quality teaching was taking place at Fruitful Future.

Thereafter, good news about the school spread. And before the end of the third session, the number of pupils had grown to over 70. The fees stayed minimal. Some parents defaulted, but Bepo and his colleague saw a great future for the school.

Mr Ogo, a parent, visited him in his office one Monday morning. The father had recently paid the third and final instalment of his boy’s fees. The school permitted such mode of payment. As Mr Ogo walked in, Bepo, who was the HM (Headmaster), felt the man had something important to share with the management.

“I know you are trying hard. Many people are saying good things about your place,” Mr Ogo said, as he muttered prayers for the HM and the school.

“Thank you,” Bepo responded.

“Yes. But there is something else you need to do.”

“Thanks. Like adverts?”

But Mr. Ogo was not thinking about adverts. Bepo could not believe the crux of the meeting: the parent had come, offering to perform a rite that would superaturally flood the school with pupils in no time. What was the magic? He would sprinkle a few grains of com at corners of the school, following which unprecedented enrolment would follow

“And what would happen to the grains afterward?” Bepo asked, not because he was keen about any ritual. He was simply inquisitive. “Nothing much. You need not mind them again. What is important is that the process will translate into abundant enrolment. Students will be trooping in from left to right. Mr Ogo emphasized. The parent cum magician added that the money needed for the rite was not much. just N35,000.

Bepo and his colleague refused to buy in, even though the man persisted. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Ogo withdrew his child from the school. Repo believed Fruitful Future would become great without ritualistic short cuts. He believed the same success would apply to many other good schools in the country. With experienced teachers who are well paid, an environment conducive to learning, and an inspiring curriculum, coupled with good school-parent relationship, any school would grow and prosper. He knew schools that were so committed; they even had Saturday lessons for students who cared to attend. He knew schools that engaged specialists to team up with their own teachers whenever WAEC and NECO examinations drew near. He knew schools that motivated their teachers so well with inspiring health, housing and retirement packages. There was even the well-reported case of Heroes Haven, which offered a two-bedroom apartment to any teacher that spent up to 15 years in the school! So, why should he and his colleague delve into any ritual to build up Fruitful Future?

Sadly, the school did not last as anticipated as no sooner access roads in the area collapsed. Apart from prolonged neglect by state and local governments, a giant water pipe ruptured, making a mess of the environment. As time went on, frustrated residents began to move away, leaving the place to only the helpless who could not afford Fruitful Future’s tuition, as low as the fees were. Even more unfortunately, the headmaster and his colleague could not raise any substantial fund to relocate from the area. The lofty dream thus ended as they were forced to close down the facility, while Bepo resumed at another school for his first professional teaching experience.

Ten years later, however, Bepo sat one evening watching the news, when the anchorman reported of a Mr Ogo who murdered a civil servant: a woman who had consulted him over her infertility. Having been married for seven years without a child, the woman approached Ogo for a spiritual solution. Over the course of a year’s ‘treatment, the spiritual doctor received N9 million as fee from the woman, promising the charms he gave would make her pregnant. However, nothing happened.

Disappointed, the woman insisted on a refund. When the children manufacturer was not forthcoming, she threatened to have him arrested. As the narrative went, the spiritualist, one afternoon, invited the her to his house, on the pretext that he was ready to make a part payment in cash. At this point, the news anchor man warned that some viewers might find the upcoming images disturbing.

The camera turned to the scene of the murder. It was a lush garden at the spiritual doctor’s backyard. unprecedented enrolment would follow

“And what would happen to the grains afterward?” Bepo asked, not because he was keen about any ritual. He was simply inquisitive. “Nothing much. What is important is that the process will translate into abundant enrollment. Sudents will be trooping in from left and right. Mr Ogo emphasized. The parent cum magician added that the money needed for the rite was not much. just N35,000.

Bepo and his colleague refused to buy in, even though the man persisted. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Ogo withdrew his child from the school. Repo believed Fruitful Future would become great without ritualistic short cuts. He believed the same success would apply to many other good schools in the country. With experienced teachers who are well paid, an environment conducive to learning, and an inspiring curriculum, coupled with good school-parent relationship, any school would grow and prosper. He knew schools that were so committed; they even had Saturday lessons for students who cared to attend. He knew schools that engaged specialists to team up with their own teachers whenever WAEC and NECO examinations drew near. He knew schools that motivated their teachers so well with inspiring health, housing and retirement packages. There was even the well-reported case of Heroes Haven, which offered a two-bedroom apartment to any teacher that spent up to 15 years in the school! So, why should he and his colleague delve into any ritual to build up Fruitful Future?

Sadly, the school did not last as anticipated as no sooner access roads in the area collapsed. Apart from prolonged neglect by state and local governments, a giant water pipe ruptured, making a mess of the environment. As time went on, frustrated residents began to move away, leaving the place to only the helpless who could not afford Fruitful Future’s tuition, as low as the fees were. Even more unfortunately, the headmaster and his colleague could not raise any substantial fund to relocate from the area. The lofty dream thus ended as they were forced to close down the facility, while Bepo resumed at another school for his first professional teaching experience.

Ten years later, however, Bepo sat one evening watching the news, when the anchorman reported of a Mr Ogo who murdered a civil servant: a woman who had consulted him over her infertility. Having been married for seven years without a child, the woman approached Ogo for a spiritual solution. Over the course of a year’s ‘treatment, the spiritual doctor received N9 million as fee from the woman, promising the charms he gave would make her pregnant. However, nothing happened.

Disappointed, the woman insisted on a refund. When the children manufacturer was not forthcoming, she threatened to have him arrested. As the narrative went, the spiritualist, one afternoon, invited the her to his house, on the pretext that he was ready to make a part payment in cash. At this point, the news anchor man warned that some viewers might find the upcoming images disturbing.

The camera turned to the scene of the murder. It was a lush garden at the spiritual doctor’s backyard. He drugged the client and then ushered her unto a chair, which, unknown to the woman, was deviously placed atop a grave-sized pit. No sooner had she fallen in that two club-wielding accomplices appeared from their hideout and pounded her. She was still breathing when they sealed the pit.

Bepo thought the face of the suspect on TV struck a chord. Yes! He had seen that face before. But where? Just then, the cameraman zoomed point-blank on the alleged culprit. And there, flanked by armed policemen, with hands cuffed, looking like a fowl drenched in a rainstorm, was Mr. Ogo!

Bepo was depressed, confused. He contemplated reporting the Beesway director to the police. But was he ready to face the impending battle? Firstly, he wondered if he could muster enough resources to mobilise the police and probably some other law enforcement agencies. Did he have the money to ‘push’ the case all the way? He knew he could be asked to pay for the sheet of paper on which he would write his statement at the police station. He knew he might be asked to fuel the police vehicle with which officers would go and arrest the suspects. Did he have enough financial strength to withstand the director in protracted court cases?

It occurred to him that he could contact relevant agencies or non- governmental organisations, like those involved in animal rights. But did they exist in Nigeria? He was not sure. What about the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education? Yea, that could be it. After all, the director was endangering the health of the pupils, Bepo thought. But was he ready to launch into the river? Was that the prime thing he wanted to do with his life? What if the big man became desperate and began to fight him in strange ways? By the way, what was the motive behind burying a cow alive in a school? Did he, Bepo, know? Was he sure?

He was still reviewing these thoughts when his phone rang at 9:07am. He had neither taken his bath nor performed any chore, let alone resume work. The phone rang twice again: it was the director. “Good morning, Mr. Bepo. You have not resumed at the office today. I asked the secretary to call you. Can you see me in the office, now?”

The call compounded Bepo’s dilemma. He never said he would come to see him. ie didn’t say he would not either. But what could he do? He knew it was time to leave Beesway. Thus, before he showed up at the director’s office, about two hours later, Bepo had moved his belongings, both in his room and at the staff room.

The director apologised for the assault Bepo suffered and explained that what the senior English teacher stumbled upon over the night was nothing dangerous or occultic. l le said it was actually part of a special prayer for his late father, who had given him the land on which the school was built.

Bepo did not answer him a word.

Detailed Summary of Chapter Seven

In Chapter 7, titled “Ritualist”, we follow Mr. Bepo—the senior English teacher—whose uncompromising attitude about language issues has followed him from his previous assignment at Beesway Group of School to his new posting at Stardom Schools. The chapter opens with Bepo recalling an earlier incident at Beesway where he corrected the school director, Mr. Egi Meko, regarding the school’s name. Bepo argued that “Beesway Group of School” was grammatically incorrect and should be “Beesway Group of Schools” (emphasizing that “group of” implies a plural noun). Although Mr. Meko pretended to take the correction in stride—joking about being an “Englisher”—he was secretly dismissive and ultimately unwilling to change a name that he claimed was “divinely inspired” and already established in all official documents.

Later, during a Parent-Teacher Association meeting, the issue is raised by a parent, and Mr. Meko’s suspicious glare toward Bepo suggests that his persistent corrections have not gone unnoticed. Soon after, the director accuses Bepo of trying to undermine the school’s reputation with his “too-know-it-all” attitude, implying that his criticisms are jeopardizing the institution.

That very night, unable to sleep in his staff quarters at Beesway, Bepo is startled by strange activity outside. Peering through the window in the dim light, he sees unusual movements on the school premises—a group of men, a cow being led by one of them, and even figures emerging from a pit. As he watches in bewilderment, he hears a familiar voice: the director himself is involved in what appears to be a ritual. When Bepo confronts him—exclaiming that burying a cow alive is cruel and inhuman—the director dismisses Bepo’s objections, insisting that they are “burying a human being” (alluding to a ritualistic act) and ordering the other men to silence him. In the ensuing struggle, Bepo is injured on his wrist by one of the accomplices, but the director soon calms the situation and escorts him away.

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The narrative then shifts to recollections from Bepo’s earlier career. He reminisces about his own venture into founding Fruitful Future School with a colleague—a project started on modest means, emphasizing quality education, low fees, and innovative teaching methods. During the school’s early days, a parent named Mr. Ogo, who doubled as a ritualist or spiritual practitioner, offered to perform a rite (for N35,000) that he claimed would magically boost enrollment. Bepo and his colleague refused to participate in any ritualistic shortcuts, and Mr. Ogo eventually withdrew his child from the school. Despite their efforts and high hopes, Fruitful Future School eventually failed due to infrastructural challenges and local neglect.

Years later, Bepo watches a news report detailing a gruesome murder committed by Mr. Ogo—a case involving a spiritual doctor who exploited a woman’s infertility plight. The shocking revelation that Mr. Ogo, now in custody, was once the same parent who had proposed a ritual to benefit the school forces Bepo into an internal conflict. Torn between a sense of moral duty and fear of professional and personal repercussions, Bepo contemplates whether to expose the director’s involvement in the nocturnal ritual. His dilemma intensifies as he ponders the potential consequences—both legally and financially—of taking on someone with influential power.

The next morning, the director calls Bepo to the office. In a twist meant to downplay the night’s events, the director apologizes for Bepo’s earlier injury and explains that what Bepo witnessed was nothing sinister but rather a special prayer for his late father, whose land the school occupies. Disillusioned and uncertain, Bepo’s experience leaves him questioning not only the integrity of his superiors but also the blurred line between spiritual practices and ritualistic extremism in the educational setting.

Characters and Their Roles

  • Mr. Bepo (Senior English Teacher):
    A principled and precise educator known for his attention to grammatical detail and high standards in language. His insistence on linguistic correctness often puts him at odds with superiors. Throughout the chapter, he becomes increasingly disillusioned as he witnesses questionable practices—both in language correction matters and later, during a bizarre nocturnal ritual.
  • Mr. Egi Meko (Director at Beesway):
    The school director at Beesway who is resistant to change, particularly when it involves his cherished “divinely inspired” school name. Meko’s dismissive attitude toward Bepo’s corrections and his involvement in ritualistic activities later in the night reveal a darker, less orthodox side to his leadership.
  • The Parent/Spiritualist (Mr. Ogo):
    Initially introduced as a supportive parent who later offers a ritual to magically boost school enrollment, Mr. Ogo represents the intertwining of spiritual beliefs and commercial interests in education. His later role as a convicted criminal for a ritualistic murder further underscores the potential dangers of such practices.
  • The Accomplices/Unidentified Men:
    A group of men seen at night carrying out the mysterious ritual, including the act of burying a cow alive. They serve as instruments of the director’s secretive practices and add an element of suspense and danger to the narrative.


  1. Conflict Between Professionalism and Superstition:
    The chapter explores the tension between a rational, academic approach (exemplified by Bepo’s insistence on linguistic precision) and the irrational, sometimes occult practices embraced by those in authority (as seen in the director’s nocturnal ritual).
  2. Integrity vs. Conformity:
    Bepo’s steadfast commitment to truth and proper language stands in contrast to the director’s willingness to overlook or even endorse dubious practices for the sake of tradition or personal belief. This conflict raises questions about the price of conformity in institutional settings.
  3. Power, Manipulation, and Moral Ambiguity:
    The narrative critiques the abuse of power by those in leadership. The director’s manipulation of beliefs—claiming divine inspiration for the school’s name and later justifying a brutal ritual—highlights the moral ambiguities present in positions of authority.
  4. The Cost of Idealism in a Corrupt System:
    Bepo’s internal struggle and eventual disillusionment reflect the broader theme of how idealistic values can be compromised or suppressed in an environment where institutional power and superstition prevail.

Figurative Expressions and Their Meanings

  1. “Too-know-it-all mentality”
    Meaning: A phrase used to describe someone who is overly confident in their knowledge, often in an arrogant or pedantic way. Here, it criticizes Bepo’s insistence on correcting errors.
  2. “Burying a cow alive”
    Meaning: Used literally in the ritual, this expression also symbolizes a cruel and archaic practice that is both animalistic and inhumane. It serves as a metaphor for the extreme measures some individuals take in the name of tradition or spirituality.
  3. “Divinely inspired”
    Meaning: The director uses this phrase to suggest that his decisions or the school’s name have a sacred origin or blessing, implying that criticism or change would be sacrilegious.
  4. “A special prayer for his late father”
    Meaning: This is presented as a benign explanation for the ritual, though its use by the director is loaded with ambiguity, hinting at possible ulterior motives or the blending of personal grief with ritualistic practice.
  5. “The goddess of sleep”
    Meaning: A personification of sleep used to describe Bepo’s desperate search for rest, evoking a sense of longing for peace in a turbulent environment.

Words and Their Meanings

  • Stint:
    A period of time spent doing a particular job or activity. Here, it refers to Bepo’s previous employment at Beesway before moving to Stardom Schools.
  • Divinely Inspired:
    Believed to be influenced or guided by a divine power; used by the director to justify keeping the school name unchanged.
  • Englisher:
    A playful, though incorrect, term mentioned in the dialogue referring to someone who translates or is skilled in English; used to tease Bepo’s expertise.
  • Ritual:
    A set of actions performed according to a prescribed order, often for religious or spiritual purposes. In this chapter, the term takes on a darker connotation as it is associated with mysterious and potentially violent practices.
  • Supernatural/Occultic:
    Terms used to refer to phenomena beyond the natural world; here, they underline the eerie and unexplained nature of the director’s nighttime activities.
  • Trooping in:
    A phrase meaning arriving in large numbers; used by Mr. Ogo to describe how the ritual would supposedly increase student enrollment.

25 Likely Questions and Answers

  1. Q: What is the primary grammatical issue Bepo raised at Beesway Group of School?
    A: He pointed out that the name should be “Beesway Group of Schools” (plural) rather than “Group of School,” as the phrase “group of” implies a collection and thus requires a plural noun.
  2. Q: How did Director Meko initially react to Bepo’s correction about the school’s name?
    A: Meko dismissed the correction, joking about being an “Englisher” and insisting that the school’s name was divinely inspired and unchangeable.
  3. Q: What does the director mean by describing the school’s name as “divinely inspired”?
    A: He implies that the name has a spiritual or sacred origin and that changing it would be disrespectful or unnecessary since it has worked well for the school.
  4. Q: Why does the issue of the school’s name matter so much to Bepo?
    A: As the senior English teacher, Bepo values linguistic accuracy and professionalism. The error undermines his subject and irritates him, reflecting his commitment to proper language usage.
  5. Q: What incident occurs during the Parent-Teacher Association meeting that heightens the tension between Bepo and the director?
    A: A parent raises the matter of the school’s name, and the director gives Bepo a fierce, accusing look, suggesting that Bepo’s criticisms have become a public nuisance.
  6. Q: What unusual events does Bepo witness late at night at the Beesway Staff Quarters?
    A: Bepo sees several figures moving in the dark on the school premises, including a group of men and a cow, and he eventually recognizes that the director is involved in a mysterious ritual.
  7. Q: How does Bepo react upon witnessing the ritual?
    A: Shocked and disturbed by what he sees, Bepo confronts the director, calling the act cruel, inhuman, and animalistic.
  8. Q: What is the director’s response when Bepo questions the ritual?
    A: The director dismisses Bepo’s concerns, telling him to “get lost” and even suggests that they are involved in burying a human being as part of the ritual, further deepening the mystery.
  9. Q: How is Bepo physically affected during the confrontation?
    A: Bepo is struck on his right wrist by one of the men wielding a club, causing him pain and forcing him to drop his machete.
  10. Q: What does Bepo use as a personal talisman to assert his truthfulness during his earlier confrontation with the director?
    A: He swears on his crucifix—a symbol he habitually uses to vouch for his sincerity.
  11. Q: What business venture did Bepo undertake before joining Stardom Schools?
    A: Bepo co-founded Fruitful Future School with a colleague, an endeavor aimed at providing quality education at low fees through innovative teaching methods.
  12. Q: How did Mr. Ogo, the parent, try to influence the success of Fruitful Future School?
    A: Mr. Ogo offered to perform a ritual for N35,000 that he claimed would magically increase the school’s enrollment by sprinkling special grains around the school.
  13. Q: What was Bepo’s and his colleague’s reaction to Mr. Ogo’s ritual proposal?
    A: They refused to participate, believing that genuine academic success should come from quality teaching and strong school management rather than superstitious shortcuts.
  14. Q: What ultimately happened to Fruitful Future School?
    A: Despite their best efforts, the school failed due to infrastructural problems, including collapsed access roads and a ruptured water pipe, which led to the departure of residents and financial collapse.
  15. Q: How does the news report about Mr. Ogo’s criminal activities affect Bepo?
    A: The report, which details a gruesome murder linked to Ogo’s ritualistic practices, shocks Bepo and forces him to reconsider the ethical and legal implications of the practices he witnessed at Beesway.
  16. Q: What internal conflict does Bepo experience after watching the news?
    A: He debates whether he should report the director’s involvement in the ritual to the authorities, weighing his moral duty against the potential personal and professional risks.
  17. Q: Why is Bepo worried about confronting the director or involving law enforcement?
    A: He fears the financial and legal repercussions, including possible expenses for legal procedures and the risk of retaliation from a powerful figure like the director.
  18. Q: What explanation does the director offer the next morning regarding the nocturnal ritual?
    A: The director apologizes for Bepo’s injury and claims that the ritual was merely a special prayer for his late father—a benign act meant to honor his memory.
  19. Q: How does Bepo’s experience reflect the theme of professionalism versus superstition?
    A: Bepo’s adherence to factual, academic standards clashes with the director’s reliance on mystical explanations and ritualistic practices, highlighting the tension between reason and belief.
  20. Q: What does the incident with the school’s name reveal about institutional inertia and authority?
    A: It shows how institutions may cling to tradition and even erroneous practices when challenged, particularly when authority figures dismiss constructive criticism.
  21. Q: How does Bepo’s past experience with Fruitful Future School inform his reaction to the events at Beesway?
    A: His previous venture taught him the value of genuine educational practices and the dangers of relying on ritualistic shortcuts, making him more skeptical of the director’s actions.
  22. Q: What role does language and grammatical precision play in the narrative?
    A: It symbolizes the clash between rational, evidence-based approaches and the arbitrary, sometimes mystical practices embraced by those in power.
  23. Q: How does the author use the setting (the quiet, eerie night) to enhance the mood of the chapter?
    A: The nighttime silence, punctuated by strange movements and mysterious figures, builds suspense and underscores the unsettling nature of the ritual.
  24. Q: What does the metaphor “the goddess of sleep” imply about Bepo’s state of mind?
    A: It suggests that sleep, like a capricious deity, is elusive for Bepo—reflecting his inner turmoil and the weight of the events unfolding around him.
  25. Q: What overarching message does the chapter convey about the cost of ignoring rationality in favor of superstition?
    A: The chapter warns that when superstitious practices and misguided authority override reason and professionalism, it can lead to dangerous, unethical behavior that compromises both personal integrity and public safety.

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